Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Choosing team players

Today I assemble the team to start the first iteration test on the database conversion (more on this later). This is the first of three iteration tests that will be performed before cut-over in November. Now this is not an easy task, let me tell you. You have all these different people that have their own idiosyncrasies and foibles that you have to fit together to make up this testing team. They need to work together on all aspects of the testing from unit testing, integration testing and stress testing.

So I decided to only have one criteria ...LOL

But seriously though, choosing the right team is vitally important for any project and determines the success of any project.

The team

A team is a group of people sharing a common goal and team members must:
  1. Commit themselves exclusively to work towards the goal; they should help define the goal.
  2. Be prepared to put the project goal before their own aims; this will require compromise and may mean that personal ambitions cannot be met.
  3. Respect other team members and any "hierarchy".
  4. Share in the project’s achievements and failures.
  5. Accept specific responsibilities on behalf of the team.
  6. Abide by agreed decisions.
Good team members are likely to be: gregarious, extrovert, companionable, trusting, trustworthy, responsibly, reliable and respectful.

When choosing a team, it is not good to have people who only want to punch the time clock. I need to find people who are passionate about their work, want to be there and want to succeed. Each person should enjoy the challenge and be willing to persevere when the going gets tough.

Very important things I need to remember when assembling this team
  • Embrace Differences
  • Individual Integrity
  • Skills and Talents
  • Sponsors and Backers
  • Common Goals
  • Planning
  • Obstacles
  • Resources
Every successful project is a combination of the above elements. People with skills, training, vision, mental and physical tenacity who have planned well, adapt to change and realize and take advantage of the lucky breaks are critical factors that lead to success. A well prepared, well led, correctly constituted team will have a much greater chance of success.

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